2 Teens See Old Man With 'Nothing Left' In Shopping Cart, Now Deliver Care Packages To Elderly

The man looked sad and hopeless, standing there with an empty shopping basket and hardly any items to take home.
Sam Hornsby and Matty Perry are best friends from the UK. They've been close for the past 10 years. Their friends and family know them as compassionate, thoughtful young men.

During the pandemic the teens went shopping at Asda, a British supermarket chain. Asda is just one of the many grocery stores that have been struggling to keep their inventory stocked due to pandemic shortages.

Sam and Matty were in the aisle when they noticed an elderly man holding a single bag of flour. The man looked sad and hopeless, standing there with an empty shopping basket and hardly any items to take home.
In that moment, the teens realized the plight of so many senior citizens, along with those feeling extra lonely in self-isolation because of COVID-19.

"All I was thinking was that I would never want to see my grandparents left to feel like that; it was so heartbreaking," the boys told SWNS.

They left the grocery store, went home and promptly came up with a plan — to pool all of their money together and use it to buy groceries and supplies to distribute throughout their community to those who needed them most.

Sam and Matty filled 10 bags, then went door-to-door making surprise drop-offs. They even sparked a chain of kindness, inspiring other residents to follow suit.

It's just amazing to see young people step up like this.