Adorable little girl becomes a 'deer whisperer' with nervous fawn

Some people have a natural ability to connect with animals that’s remarkable. Sometimes, it seems like animals are simply drawn to some people, like the cartoon animals in a Disney movie.

Maya is one of those people.
This little girl is a natural with animals. And in one adorable video, her dad showed off his daughter’s special gift.
Adorable little girl becomes a 'deer whisperer' with nervous fawn

It all took place after the family returned home from a canoeing trip and were unpacking their vehicle. While doing so, they noticed a fawn in their front yard.
In the video, Maya can be seen standing on the driveway with the creature approaching from the grass. Although some kids might act out excitedly (scaring it away) – she instead stays calm, crouches down, and begins using a hand gesture as if silently calling it over.

Amazingly, the baby deer walks up to the little girl. Maya continues being calm and allows the animal to get comfortable being near her, putting out her hand.

Dad Brad Herring is a videomaker, and fortunately, he was able to record the touching moment.

It’s as if the fawn is drawn to Maya. You can see that the girl is very good with animals and there’s a connection between the pair. The baby seems to sense that she has a big heart!

After a short time, Maya’s even able to very softly pet the creature on its back.

According to Brad, she knew the animal “needed its mother.” Despite how sweet the encounter was, Maya wanted to help get the baby back to the woods to reunite with its mom.

They thought the doe was probably eating in the wilderness and recuperating after giving birth.
On the WildCare website they explain:

“In order to keep her young safe, a doe will leave her fawn in a secluded area, often for as long as 12 hours, distracting predators away from her baby while she forages for food.”

Where Maya goes, the fawn follows. Brad films as his daughter walks through their yard towards the woods – all with the baby deer by her side. At one point, Maya turns and smiles at the camera seeming happy about the experience.

She adorably uses her hand to gesture it to follow.

Although it’s only for a short time, you can tell these two became buddies.

In the YouTube video description, Brad shares:
“The fawn had a good sense about Maya and followed her every step. They were inseparable from the moment the met.”

It was time to say goodbye. Maya leads the baby deer back into the woods where it ends up laying down in the leaves. She waves farewell to her friend and then quietly walks off.

Not only is the scene heart-melting, but The Black Lillies’ tune “Yes I Know” is playing in the background of the video – making it even more so.

Since Brad posted the video (which he titled “The Deer Whisperer”) it’s been viewed more than 8 million times. He also provided viewers with an update too.

He wrote:

“Update: we saw two doe and two fawns in our neighbors yard yesterday and then again a fawn and doe in our backyard today so we are pretty certain that she was found.”

Maya clearly has a special gift with animals. Perhaps the deer was simply drawn to her gentle nature, or maybe she liked playing with a creature close to her size. Either way, the results are adorable.

Check out the sweet video below!
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