Phoenix, Arizona Elderly Couple Are Rescued From Burning Car By 5 Halfway House Roommates

The couple are on track to make a full recovery.
A woman named Marie Macrorie was stunned after witnessing a car on fire on the side of the road. As she took footage on her camera, she realized that several bystanders were already on the scene and trying to help. She also realized that there were people inside the car when it happened.

The couple inside the vehicle were both in their 90s and live in Phoenix. When they were first found, they were having difficulty exiting the car by themselves because of their seat belts.

"I just couldn't even believe what we were seeing," Marie told Inside Edition. "We were very worried."

The men who ended up saving the day have an interesting backstory. All five of them live together in a halfway house, and they were on their way to work.
Phoenix, Arizona Elderly Couple Are Rescued From Burning Car By 5 Halfway House Roommates

"It was very inspiring for us to see that," Marie said, in regard to the rescue. The five men, who later talked to CBS8, told their side of the story.
"We just saw this guy, and he is stuck in his seatbelt, so we kind of snatched open the door, and unbuckled the seatbelt, my buddy Barry snatched him out of the car and carried him to the side of the road," explained Andre Leggett.

"We ran over there," added Harry Hemphill. "A couple of the guys grabbed the wife and the other two grabbed the husband who was driving. Even when the elderly gentleman was on the ground with his arms severely burned, he did not seem like he was in any pain, he was more concerned about his wife."

Luckily, the two are expected to make a full recovery. Watch the video to see the footage of these Good Samaritans at work.