France Will No Longer Allow Gassing And Crushing Male Chicks Starting 2022

France is the first country in the world, alongside Germany, to ban the practice of culling male chicks.
Animal welfare groups are celebrating a huge win after France announced they will stop allowing the killing of male chicks by gassing and crushing in 2022.

Now that France is on board, the agriculture minister is saying that they will try to get similar measures put in place throughout the EU.

In an interview with Julien Denormandie, it came out that some 50 million male chicks are killed by crushing or gassing every year.
France Will No Longer Allow Gassing And Crushing Male Chicks Starting 2022

The females are kept alive because they have the potential for laying eggs.
He said: “France is the first country in the world, along with Germany, to end the crushing and gassing of male chicks.”

Germany and France will work together to get the other members of the European Union on board. In France, the practice will stop in 2022.

Rather than culling the chicks in that way, they will have machines that allow the breeders to know if the chicks are male or female before they hatch, which will hopefully reduce the number of chicks being slaughtered.

France will be assisting the breeders to purchase the equipment by giving €10 million subsidies. It will also raise the cost of six eggs by 1 euro cent – a reasonable price to pay to end immeasurable suffering.