Woman Rescues Crippled Horse From Kill Pen And Writes Scathing Post To Previous Owner

"Your horse didn’t deserve this. She deserved love. She deserved dignity and respect. As I’m sure she gave this to you. "
Janine Guido has always loved animals and in 2012 realized it was her calling to save animals in need. She started Speranza (which means “hope” in Italian) Animal Rescue and has been saving animals ever since.

She rescues “underdogs” from high kill shelters and has always taken in animals with medical issues that no one else would help. This was the case again when she went to her first kill pen to rescue a senior horse with neurological issues.

However, she spotted a horse lying down in one of the pens and had to rescue her too.

“Today I did something I’ve never done…. I went to a kill pen,” Janine posted with a heartbreaking video of a crippled horse she rescued. The horse, which she later named Bethany, could barely walk. She knew no one would save her from slaughter, so she rescued her.
She then took to Facebook and wrote a scathing post to her previous owner:
Woman Rescues Crippled Horse From Kill Pen And Writes Scathing Post To Previous Owner

“A one last stop for the abused. Neglected. The bruised and broken. And I saved your horse…

“I saw your horse lying there among the others. Some were stepping on her. Kicking at her… And she did nothing.

“I kissed to your horse. Trying to get her attention and with difficulty she stood up.

“I then saw why your horse was there. Why she was looked over. Why she wouldn’t sell. Why she was going to head for slaughter.

“Your horse is crippled.

“Watching your horse try to walk made my stomach turn and my eyes swell with tears.

“Your horse that is absolutely gorgeous was standing in a pen among others that will not be saved. Your horse didn’t deserve this. She deserved love. She deserved dignity and respect. As I’m sure she gave this to you.

“I don’t know if your horse can be saved from the pain and agony that she has survived for so long. But I do know one thing. Your horse is no longer a number.

“Your horse is currently standing in a bedded stall with fresh water and an abundance of hay – that she was unable to get to at the kill pen.

“Your horse now has a name. She has a whole family to love her. She has a vet team that will do everything in their power to make her comfortable. Probably for the first time in her life.

“And I want you to know that if your horse can’t be saved from the years of neglect, she will be spoiled like hell for a few days, and humanely euthanized… not dumped for a few hundred bucks.

“And I want you to know that your horse has already touched the heart of not only mine but by all the volunteers at the rescue. And no matter how short or how long we have her – when it is time to say goodbye her memory will live on forever.

“I’m so sorry you were failed sweet girl. I pray we can help you. We love you so much already, Bethany.”

Janine also rescued Butch, the ‘old plow horse’ with neurological issues, who she originally went to the kill pen for. The rescued horses quickly bonded on their freedom ride to their new home.

Both horses were examined by a vet and farrier who determined that Bethany had severely foundered. “Dr Katie and Ike are both on the same page as me – while there is no cure, we keep Bethany comfortable with pain medication, experiment with special shoeing, and hope for the best. We will stop trying when Bethany tells us otherwise. They were very pleased with the spark in her eyes and her overall demeanor,” wrote the rescue.

Butch had a neurological exam and blood drawn to test for Lyme disease and EPM. The rescue is still waiting on the results but said they would provide an update as soon as they get them. Janine said both are in good spirits and being showered with love, probably for the first time in their lives.

They are currently in quarantine together and the rescue will continue to fight for them “til they tell us otherwise.”

The non-profit rescue is home to all kinds of animals including farm animals, dogs, and even a camel. They created a wishlist of items people can purchase to help them care for all the animals.

Janine and all the volunteers at the rescue are true heroes and we applaud all their life-saving work. The world needs more people like you!