Tiny Puppy Rescued After Being Tossed Outside In The Rain

Rescuers found the small dog curled up near a fence in the rain, shaking from the cold.
At just 2-3 weeks of age, a tiny black puppy was tossed into the rain to fend for itself. No one is sure what happened to his mother or family, but whoever had the pup didn’t want him or care for his survival.

On its own, the poor pup would’ve never made it. Thankfully, someone saw the little dog being abandoned and called a rescuer for help.

They were able to find the small dog curled up near a fence in the rain, shaking from the cold.
Tiny Puppy Rescued After Being Tossed Outside In The Rain

Carefully, they picked him up and got him into the house to warm up.
The dog, who they named Blacky, seemed to be doing a lot better after he was warmed.

At such a young age, puppies can’t maintain their body temperature well, so it’s a good thing help arrived when it did.

Rescuers fed the small puppy milk and a little soft dog food. While he was safe, he was still incredibly afraid.

Being ripped from his family at such a young age and thrown on the streets was likely traumatic, but he seems to be doing great now!

In fact, after just 10 days, Blacky had found a forever home! We’re so happy he’s getting the happy ending he deserves.