Dog Left Tied To Bridge Railing Almost Gives Up On Life But Then Help Arrives

The rope was so tight that the poor pup couldn't even lay down comfortably or rest her head.
When rescuers got a call about a dog tied to a bridge railing near traffic, they responded quickly.

A man arrived at the scene with a bag of treats, a leash, and some basic medical supplies. What he found was heartbreaking.

Someone had cruelly tied a hose around a dog’s neck and used a piece of rope to attach the hose to the bridge railing.
Dog Left Tied To Bridge Railing Almost Gives Up On Life But Then Help Arrives

The rope was so tight that the poor pup couldn’t even lay down comfortably or rest her head.
While her situation looked bleak, help had arrived, and the dog seemed to sense it. Despite what someone had put her through, she seemed incredibly happy to see a human and get attention. She had hope again!

The kind man gently untied the rope and then got to work taking the tubing off of her neck. It was attached securely, but he managed to break it free and checked her neck to make sure it was ok.

She seemed healthy and even happy – especially being free!

The dog was treated to a plate of food and some special play time in the grass.

Things could’ve ended badly for the poor girl, but instead, she got a second chance at life. We’re so glad she can live freely and be surrounded by people who love her.