Actress Kaley Cuoco offers to buy horse who was punched at Olympics

We are so thankful to Cuoco for making such an offer.
One of the many reasons why we all love watching the Olympics is because it is “crowded” with people who have been waiting their entire life to show the world how great they are at what they do and how hard they worked to earn a spot in one of the greatest sports events there are.

This year, among the rest, one particular event made many viewers sad. A horse named Saint Boy was being punched repeatedly by Germany modern pentatholon coach Kim Raisner. What’s most, she urged the rider Annika Schleu to “really hit” the horse if it refused to jump.

The incident was caught on camera and made many animal lovers angry. The Modern Pentathlon Federation (UIPM) disqualified Raisner from the individual competition and the remainder of the Olympic games.
“Her actions were deemed to be in violation of the UIPM Competition Rules, which are applied to all recognized Modern Pentathlon competitions including the Olympic Games,” they wrote in a statement.

Germany’s Olympic team chief, Alfons Hoermann, also spoke of the incident. As per Reuters, he said: “We were all in agreement that the coach will not be at the competition on Saturday. We also consider that an urgent review of the incident is necessary, especially in terms of animal protection, and that the national and international federations draw their conclusions.”
Actress Kaley Cuoco offers to buy horse who was punched at Olympics

Among those who decided to stand for Saint Boy is actress Kaley Cuoco. The Big Bang Theory star is a huge horse lover and she and her husband Karl Cook actually own some of these elegant animals. In an interview with Jimmy Kimmel, the actress said: “I have six horses, and they have been the biggest blessing in my life. Horseback riding is why I’m so centered, especially in this business. I wouldn’t have my career without it.”

Cuoco decided to share her feelings regarding the disgraceful incident involving Saint Boy.

“I feel it’s my duty and heart to comment on this disgrace…This is not Olympic show jumping, ” she wrote according to 7News. “This is a disgusting, classless, abusive representation of our sport in so many ways. This team should be ashamed of themselves.

“You and your team did not do your county proud, or this sport. You make us look bad. Shame on you and godspeed to any animal that comes in contact with you.”

Her next move made many fell in love with her even further. Cuoco offered to buy Saint Boy. “I’ll buy that horse outright and show it the life it should have. Name your price,” she ended her post.

We are so thankful to Cuoco for making such an offer. We know the animal would end in the right hands if she welcomes him in.